We represent professionals working with students with communication disorders in schools in Louisiana. SPALS provides resources for speech pathologists and audiologists including information on conferences, legislative activities and policies.
To promote the professions of speech pathology and audiology
To help speech pathologists and audiologists stay current on the latest professional practices and legal issues relating to student performance
To enhance the professional image of speech pathologists and audiologists
To provide opportunity for professional relationships with other organizations associated with education and speech pathology and audiology
To participate with other educationally oriented groups in organizing, developing, and promoting activities important to the educational programs of Louisiana and the nation
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Featured Videos

Episode #41: Role of a Speech-Language Pathologist in a Child’s Life (Speech Specialist for Child)

Become an Audiologist or SLP & Reward Yourself with a Career that Helps Others

Infant hearing test - Audiology at the University of Canterbury
SPALS has served the professional needs of our members for over two decades. We believe that bringing exciting, talented presenters to share innovative therapy techniques and strategies with you, providing scholarships to deserving student clinicians, offering grants to professionals in the field and recognizing excellence in others (our Liz Borel Award for Excellence) we grow and strengthen our profession.
If you'd like to support us and our mission, please consider donating. You can even tell us how you’d like your donation to be directed, (for a scholarship, a grant or just to help us with general operations) and we’ll do our best to honor your request.
Contact us to arrange a donation!