Established in 1993, SPALS provides the following:
Continuing Education Opportunities
The SPALS Conference, held annually, provides 10 hours of Continuing Education, approved by the Louisiana Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology (LaBESPA). ASHA CEUs are also available.
The online newsletter, SPALS Speaks, features professional news, legislative updates, product information, and therapy techniques. Our website and facebook page deliver informational and topical articles and news from our state and beyond.
Regional Representatives serve as your liaison to address issues pertinent to working in school settings. SPALS has been involved with LSHA to promote the interests of communication professionals and the students we serve.
Value for the Dollar
SPALS membership costs only $40 per year for Full Membership. Reduced conference fees are available to SPALS members.
How to Become a Member
Membership in SPALS is open to all speech pathologists and audiologists currently employed by (or retired from) public or private schools in Louisiana. Members have all privileges of the association including the right to vote and hold office.
The membership year is from September 1st to August 31st. Fee is $40 per year for membership with late fee charges applicable after September 1st.
To join SPALS, download the SPALS membership form [PDF 44KB]. Complete (WITH CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE) and mail (with $40.00 check before September 1st or $45.00 after September 1st, payable to SPALS) to:
PO Box 12177
Lake Charles, 70612
For additional information, email Gretta Preston.
Or become a new member or renew your membership online complete SPALS Membership form and pay through PayPal.